Our Coffee

Our high-quality coffee of 84+ points on the SCA system with unique attributes of citrus fruit, dark chocolate, floral, fresh bread, tropical fruit, brown spices, brown sugar, medium acidity, good round body, clean, well balanced, and sweet aftertaste is produced by predominantly agroforestry smallholder communities who are conscious of climate change and gender justice.

We offer full traceability of all our coffees, from farm to cup. This way, we can bring unique and interesting coffees that fit our buyers’ preferences.

The uniqueness of this coffee is that as you sit and take that small cup of coffee from MEACCE, you are not only enjoying the good quality but also significantly contributing towards climate change mitigation and adaptation, gender justice as well as improving the living standards of the smallholder farmer on the slopes of Mt Elgon.

The high quality is achieved through a series of quality assurance and control measures.



Consequuntur quis fugit do, varius quidem, sapiente quas bibend.