Coffee Business


At Mt Elgon, coffee is grown on the slopes and is planted at both high and low densities. The widely common practice of coffee production is organic farming. Depending on altitudinal variations and rainfall distribution, the harvesting period varies from September to January. The parchment coffee supplied is farm-washed. The parchment coffee supplied by the farmers to their societies is weighed and stored at society stores and then transported to MEACCE warehouses.


Primary processing is done at the farm level where farmers pick red ripe cherries, and pulp immediately using hand pulpers or at times using MEACCE-supplied motorized pulpers. Ferment it for 2 days, wash it, and carefully dry it for about 2 months. The parchment coffee will go through hulling, sorting, grading, and packaging steps.

After hulling and sorting, any coffee that doesn’t meet the export quality is sold locally. The export standard coffee will be packed based on the buyers’ preferences and transported to Mombasa port FOB.

Quality Standards of Parchment and Green Coffee

At MEACCE we take quality as the heart of our business and we have prepared our farmers and staff adequately in these aspects. The quality process starts at the Farm with quality assurance, the coffee then undergoes quality control at the primary society when farmers deliver parchment and at MEACCE stores including cup analysis when primary societies deliver parchment before it is bought.

Certification and Traceability

For purposes of ensuring food safety, sustainable coffee production, and fairness to all (Farmers, Workers, Buyers, and the environment), MEACCE undergoes Fairtrade and Organic certifications.

We offer full traceability of our coffees from farm to cup. At every step, we ensure labeling and documenting of the coffee movement.



Consequuntur quis fugit do, varius quidem, sapiente quas bibend.